The pink sheep Wikia


welcome to the The pink sheep Wikia

This wiki will be about getting more into the characteristic of Pink sheep! please enjoy and feel free to help! also ask the founder, bureacrutcat or even the admins for help if you need some. also ask admins before you do something big.

Follow the pink light and grow a moustache by watching pink sheep's videos Here or HERE or even HERE.

this wiki is only about pink sheep. if you type in anything that does not have to do with him. you will be blocked for about 2-4 weeks.

for more rules please refer to this page: rules

for promotion rules refer to this page: promotion rules

Bureaucrats! you have access to the council of bureaus: ☀

also visit purple shep wiki: ☀

Watch the wiki's videos: HERE

pink sheep's new song HERE
to do page HERE

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Welcome to this fabolous

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Welcome to this fabolous
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Did you know?

*Pink sheep is afraid of the illuminati.
* Pink sheep doesnt hate exploading tnt. it's just he smells.
* Pink sheep was born with his moustache.
* Pink sheep was stolen from.
* Pink sheep is a master sniper.
* Pink sheep broke his leg once.
* Pink sheep had a girlfriend in roblox while he was married.
* Pink sheep broke up with his girlfrined in roblox because she was creepy.
* Pink sheep is neither a male or a female.
* Pink sheep is proud of purple shep sometimes.
* Pink sheep is amazing at basketball.
* Pink sheep fears his wife the enderdragon.
* Pink sheep once kissed a skull.
* Pink sheep has 1,000,000 thousand subscribers.


Pink sheep wiki's allies are:

Purple shep's wiki

Wall-e wiki

Latest activity

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